Galvalume Steel Coil & Sheet Metal
Pre-Painted and Acrylic-Coated Aluminum-Zinc Coated Steel
Galvalume is an aluminum-zinc alloy coated cold-rolled steel ideally suited for metal roofing and metal wall panel applications. Metal Alliance stocks Galvalume AZ50 and AZ55 in 24ga and 26ga coil and flat sheet in a variety of widths. Additional gauges also available upon request. Finishes include acrylic-coated for a natural metal look, and industry-leading protective metal coatings including Tedlar® PVF film, Fluropon® 70% PVDF with Kynar 500®, and WeatherXL™ SMP in over 60 color options.
Galvalume AZ50 and AZ55 from Metal Alliance meet or exceed ASTM A792 requirements.
Grades: 50 and 80
Coating Weights: AZ50 and AZ55
Thickness: 22ga, 24ga, 26ga and 29ga
Pre-Painted 70% PVDF w/ Kynar 500
Pre-Painted SMP
Sizes (dependent on gauge) :
Coil - 20”, 24”, 27-1/2”, 41-9/16”, 43”, 48”
Flats - 4’ x 10’
Up to 25 years† on substrate
Up to 40 years† on coating
Outstanding corrosion resistance
High strength-to-weight ratio
Good heat resistance & solar reflectivity
Excellent cut-edge protection
Low maintenance and easy to clean
Available in 60+ colors


†For limited warranty information, including detailed coverages and exclusions, contact a Metal Alliance representative. Galvalume® is a registered trademark of BIEC International Inc. Tedlar® is a registered trademark of DuPont de Nemours, Inc. and is used under license by Titan Steel Corporation and its affiliate Metal Alliance. Fluropon® and WeatherXL™ are registered trademarks of The Sherwin Williams Corporation. Kynar 500® is a registered trademark of Arkema Inc.

What is Galvalume?
Developed by Bethlehem Steel in 1972, Galvalume's versatility, ease of use, long-term performance and aesthetic appeal have earned the overwhelming endorsement of architects, metal roofing manufacturers, contractors and building owners all over the world. Offering excellent resistance to corrosion and high heat and a high strength-to-weight ratio, Galvalume panels have a track record of outlasting galvanized sheet in various atmospheres by up to nine times¹.
Using a precise continuous hot-dip coating process, Galvalume is formulated with a 55% aluminum, 43.4% zinc and 1.6% silicone alloy metallic coating that is applied to both sides of carbon steel. Coating weights for architectural applications are 0.50 ounces per square foot (AZ50) for painted applications, and 0.55 ounces per square foot (AZ55) for unpainted. Permanently bonded to the underlying steel, the barrier protection and durability of aluminum, together with the galvanic activity of zinc combine to deliver the optimal performance of both elements, making Galvalume one of the most durable, weather-resistant roofing materials available. And thanks to outstanding formability, its ideal for roll forming into a wide variety of profiles without losing its protective coating.
¹Courtesy www.steelroofing.com
Galvalume is an aluminum-zinc alloy coating comprised of 55% aluminum, 43.4% zinc and 1.6% silicone that is applied to carbon steel.

How Does Galvalume Work?
Both zinc and aluminum have inherent physical and mechanical properties that offer their own forms of corrosion protection.
PROTECTIVE BARRIER: Aluminum is naturally inert and resists corrosion and rust. When applied to steel it is a protective barrier from water and pollutants.
SACRIFICIAL BARRIER: Zinc is more reactive than aluminum. When exposed to the atmosphere it starts to deteriorate, or corrode, sacrificing itself to protect underlying steel.
When combined, reactive properties of zinc and aluminum work together providing underlying steel superior protection compared with uncoated or other alloy-coated steels. Compared to 100% zinc-coated steel (galvanized steel), Galvalume has 2-4 times longer corrosion protection thanks to:

Better Corrosion Resistance When exposed to the environment, the zinc reacts first, forming a thin impermeable layer of oxidized zinc. The corrosive action of zinc extends the time the aluminum layer is left to do its work protecting the underlying steel from attack.
Cut-Edge Protection All metal panel products experience some exposed metal at cut edges or scratches. This can quickly lead to rust of underlying steel because it is no longer protected. However, as zinc begins to corrode in Galvalume, the newly formed oxidized zinc compound will spread to cover cut edges or other areas that become exposed, in effect sealing these areas off from exposure to the environment. Over time, this "self-healing” action results in the corrosion-damaged zinc becoming a barrier layer that is sacrificed in favor of the remaining zinc, leading to prolonged protection of the aluminum and underlying steel.