Aluminum Metal Coil & Sheet Metal
Pre-Painted Prime Grade Aluminum
When it comes to metal roofing and metal wall panel systems, Aluminum is a premium choice thanks to its superior corrosion resistance. Metal Alliance offers pre-painted prime grade 3105 and 3003 aluminum coil and flat sheet in the industry's most long-lasting and innovative protective metal coatings including Tedlar® PVF film and Fluropon® 70% PVDF with Kynar 500®.
Known as the lightest metal roofing material available, aluminum is approximately 1/3 the weight of steel, but its strength-to-weight ratio is one of the highest of the common metals (think airplanes). Its light weight combined with resistance to corrosion and high heat make it an ideal material for metal roofing and metal wall panels, especially in coastal environments exposed to regular salt spray. Aluminum is very malleable making it easy to work with when roll forming metal panels and it's 100% recyclable. Aluminum naturally reflects light and emits heat so its also energy efficient.
Metal Alliance prime grade aluminum coil and metal sheet products meet or exceed established ASTM B209 standards.

Extremely resistant to corrosion, especially from salt water
High strength-to-weight ratio
Excellent heat resistance
Outstanding formability
100% recyclable
Available in 40+ colors
Grades: 3105 and 3003
Temper: H24 and H14
Thickness: .032” and .040”
Tedlar® PVF Film
Pre-Painted 70% PVDF w/ Kynar 500
Coil - 16”, 20”, 24”
Flat Sheets - 4’ x 10’
Up to 25 years† on substrate
Up to 50 years† on coating

†For limited warranty information, including detailed coverages and exclusions, contact a Metal Alliance representative. Tedlar® is a registered trademark of DuPont de Nemours, Inc. and is used under license by Titan Steel Corporation and its affiliate Metal Alliance. Fluropon® is a registered trademark of The Sherwin Williams Corporation. Kynar 500® is a registered trademark of Arkema Inc.

Corrosion is the chemical reaction of a material with its environment that leads to the deterioration of its properties. Aluminum , like other metals is no exception, immediately and actively reacting when exposed to oxygen. But aluminum is also a passive metal, exhibiting behavior that seems a bit contradictory.
Active Corrosion vs. Passive Corrosion
Aluminum is chemically reactive, which means it will begin to "corrode" (lose its physical properties) when it interacts with the environment. The corrosion byproduct of aluminum is alumunim oxide, a white chalky substance. But because aluminum has a really strong affinity for oxygen, the aluminum oxide forms very rapidly creating a hard and stable, or "passive" protective layer that effectively seals inner layers of the underlying metal from future deterioration making it ideal for coastal environments and areas exposed to regular salt spray.

The active-passive reactivity of Aluminum with oxygen results in a stable protective layer of aluminum oxide protecting the underlying metal from further deterioration.

Known as the green metal, aluminum is one of the most environmentally friendly metals. It can be infinitely recycled producing second-generation aluminum as strong as its first iteration. In fact, nearly 75% of all aluminum ever produced is still in use today with nearly 40% of the North American supply created through secondary production.
In the architectural building products industry, a properly coated aluminum roof can reflect up to 95% of the sun's rays, keeping the structure underneath cooler and saving on energy costs. Aluminum is also often a key component that may contribute toward earning credits as part of The U.S. Green Building Council's LEED® certified green building program.